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Oshirak Group International

Security and Services

Image by redcharlie

Our Security and Services

OGI Security and OGI Services cover the globe. Navigate to Security and Services pages using the menu at the top of the page, or find specific areas of business below.

Travel Security

Our core competency.

In over 120 countries.  

  • VIP Protection

  • Car/Driver

  • Concierge

  • Translators

Domestic and Commercial Security

  • Home Security

  • Firearms training

  • Alert response

  • Proactive monitoring

Maritime Security

  • Anti and Counter Piracy

  • Maritime Domain Awareness

  • Small Vessel Training

  • Costal Surveillance

  • Container Screening

Government  Services

Domestic and overseas training, development and support and for government and official programs.

Business and  Strategic          Development

Consulting and strategic development insight and expertise to grow your business. Our teams offer insight, access, and expertise.


Each of our investigators is experienced and dedicated, and together we make up a skilled team. We’re serious about our work, holding all information provided by clients in strict confidence. Keep reading to learn about our services provided.

Blue Water

Professional Speaking

With a strong portfolio of varied speaking engagements, CEO Alan Oshirak could be the perfect fit for what you’re looking for. Read below to learn more about what we have to offer.

Image by Sean Pollock


Oshirak Group International (OGI) was founded in 2012 by Alan Oshirak with the core competencies of maritime security, special operations, homeland security, international assistance and foreign military sales, and intelligence.

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 Address. 1750 Tysons Boulevard, Suite 1500, McLean, VA 22102

© 2021 by Oshirak Group International. All Rights Reserved.

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